Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Repository Session

The RepSession object represents a single repository session. This manages the connection to the repository (using ODBC for the Local repository and NCH for the remote BES respository)

The Sessions collection contains all the active RepSession objects for the repository. It is zero based.

Dim objRepServer as RepServerLib.RepServer
Set objRepSession = objRepServer.Sessions(0)

1 comment:

white lily said...

I just assigned to work on a VB6 Index program with FileNet Panagon as images storage and management at the backend. It has the code of RepServerLib.RepServer can not compile. The error message says cannot find project or library. Could you help me on where can I find the repository library? I have included FnRSProxy21.0 Type library in the References, but it is still not working. Thanks.

Here is the code on error:

‘The repository server
Public goRepServer As RepServerLib.RepServer

Public goBatch As RepServerLib.RepObject
